Communication Design for a Carbon Negative Future, Launch of SikkimCIMS- the First State-based Climate Inventory and Monitoring Portal

Communication Design for a Carbon Negative Future, Launch of SikkimCIMS- the First State-based Climate Inventory and Monitoring Portal

  Lush green forests, magnificent mountains, vibrant tribe culture,the rhythmic chants at the beautiful monasteries are only a few of the magnificent features that define Sikkim. So, what else is so unique about this North East State that leads India in various...
Every day is an Earth Day!

Every day is an Earth Day!

The Living Roots Bridge of Meghalaya are spectacular monuments of community collaboration and trans-generational design — certainly no art form for the instant gratification pros of our 21st century! A mere 7000 steps from the edge of modern living, the root bridges...
Grieving Climate Change Denial

Grieving Climate Change Denial

How Trump processes Climate Change_A perspective from South Asia from Vertiver on Vimeo.   When Trump announced his withdrawl from the Paris Agreement, those of us working on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in South Asia felt particularly disgusted. As...
50 Shades of Green : Come down to Earth

50 Shades of Green : Come down to Earth

Welcome to June! It’s World Environment Day – just another day really but in light of the crazy stuff that is happening with the US pulling out of the Paris Agreement, this day carries some serious weight this year! No matter the geopolitical scene, we at...