Hold On India
Hold On India is a new platform for achieving and discussing stories about India’s cultural and ecological traditions in an interactive format. It curates one on one 5 minute conversations with people whose lives exemplify a story connection with the values that define India’s heritage of living in harmony with nature.
Vertiver created an outdoor print campaign on Forests in 2015 and realizing the grave irony of using PVC based non biodegradable vinyl to create a campaign on conservation we ensured that all the vinyl/ Flex came back to our creative studio to repurpose into upcycled products. After making a few hundred fun products including bags, lamps, laptop covers and trying to sell them via retail outlets, we realized that the challenge of using all the Flex we receive versus the demand for its products was beyond our capability. We took a deeper dive into the problem to understand what the real solution to the problem could be.
Corporate Forest Responsibility
Vertiver co-developed the Corporate Forest Responsibility initiative in collaboration with Iora Ecological Solutions to provide the first business framework for conservation of forests in India. Vertiver provided support in concept development, creating the signatory charter and in developing toolkits that underlie the CFR initiative. CFR’s goal is to assist companies in India with specific actions that map their forestry based footprint and followed by guidelines of steps that improve forest enhancement and conservation through business-based interventions.
Forest are life
“Forests are Life” is a campaign conceived by Vertiver and disseminated on print and online platforms to engages audiences into a visual conversation on the vital role that forests play for our planet’s health. The campaign was launched on the International Day of Forests 2015 in India. The government of India, ministry of environment and Forests and the USAID Forest-PLUS program supported the dissemination of the campaign across outdoor sites in New Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru.
India forest portal
Vertiver is co-developing the India Forest Portal in collaboration with IORA Ecological Solutions to provide the first awareness based online platform on forests in India. India’s forests are unique in that not only do they provide the enormous raw material while regulating the natural ecosystem functions but also serve as the primary livelihoods source for 25% of the country’s population. Understanding Forests in India for the common citizen is therefore an imperative that can be served through well designed and curated research and data. This insight forms the mission of the India Forest portal which is to serve as the authoritative platform for information relating to forests of India and engage key stakeholders to take informed actions that support the enhancement of India’s forests and biodiversity. The India Forest Portal is currently bring developed to include a live community connect, a suite of mobile apps, and comprehensive scientific, economic and social data about India’s forests.
Vertiver co-developed the iForest App with IORA Ecological Solutions to launch the first mobile app that connects people directly to the forests close to them and gives them an opportunity to experience these forests through maps and ecological data. iForest App is also a community building app, allowing users to connect with fellow conservationists around India Vertiver helped develop the Corporate Forest Responsibility initiative in collaboration with Iora Ecological Solutions to provide the first business framework for conservation of forests in India. Vertiver provided support in concept development, creating the signatory charter and in developing toolkits that underlie the CFR initiative. CFR’s goal is to assist companies in India with specific actions that map their forestry based footprint and followed by guidelines of steps that improve forest enhancement and conservation through business-based interventions.
The Black Dot project
Vertiver created an outdoor print campaign on Forests in 2015 and realizing the grave irony of using PVC based non biodegradable vinyl to create a campaign on conservation we ensured that all the vinyl/ Flex came back to our creative studio to repurpose into upcycled products. After making a few hundred fun products including bags, lamps, laptop covers and trying to sell them via retail outlets, we realized that the challenge of using all the Flex we receive versus the demand for its products was beyond our capability. We took a deeper dive into the problem to understand what the real solution to the problem could be.
Pollution Solutions
Pollution Solutions Now is a graphic social media campaign we created to communicate the relationship between individual consumption and pollution generated. Most of us who are contributors to pollution are also its worst victims. Responsible consumption, improved urban planning and citizen participation in creating solutions will reduce air pollution and improve human health.